Type document: 
BirdLife International

"The Ecosystem Profile for the Caribbean Islands Hotspot was developed through a process of stakeholder consultation and expert research studies coordinated by BirdLife International (Caribbean Program) in collaboration with Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust / Bath University, and the New York Botanical Garden, with technical support from Conservation International’s Center for Applied Biodiversity Science. At least 200 stakeholders representing more than 160 governmental and nongovernmental institutions contributed to the development of this profile.
The ecosystem profile presents an overview of the hotspot in terms of its biological importance, climate change impacts, major threats to and root causes of biodiversity loss, socioeconomic
context and current conservation investments. It provides a suite of measurable conservation outcomes, identifies funding gaps and opportunities for investment, and thus identifies the niche where CEPF investment can provide the greatest incremental value. It also contains a five-year investment strategy for CEPF in the region. This investment strategy comprises a series of strategic funding opportunities, termed strategic directions, broken down into a number of investment priorities outlining the types of activities that will be eligible for CEPF funding. The ecosystem profile does not include specific project concepts, as civil society groups will develop these as part of their applications for CEPF grant funding. "

Lieu étude: 
Les Caraïbes
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L’Observatoire Martiniquais de la Biodiversité (OMB) est un dispositif animé par le Parc naturel régional de la Martinique composé de 46 membres.

Il collecte et diffuse des informations sur la biodiversité de Martinique, et constitue un outil d’aide à la décision.



Parc naturel régional de la Martinique

Morne Tartenson - BP 437

Fort de France 97205 Cedex, Martinique

05 96 644 259
Fax : 0596 647 227





Galerie photos

Quelques données

  • Plus de 2000 espèces de champignons estimées
  • 40 espèces de papillons de jour
  • 11 espèces de chauves-souris
  • 262 espèces de fougères et plantes alliées

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