Type document: 
Article, Périodique
C. Bochaton et al.
Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles

The origins of the two iguana species (Iguana delicatissima [Lesser Antillean Iguana] and Iguana iguana [Green Iguana]) occurring today in the Lesser Antilles are frequently questioned using mostly historical and genetic data. Osteological remains of iguanas are common in archaeological and paleontological deposits in the Lesser Antilles, however, and they could be important for understanding the past colonization processes of these two iguana species and subsequent sympatry. Unfortunately, although numerous questions exist about the past occurrence of those two species and their respective arrival dates, no osteological study has led to proper identi?cation of subfossil iguana skeletal elements. Here we present a series of characters that allow for distinguishing the two species using isolated bones and emphasize the reliability of each recognized speci?c character. We also provide some comments about skeletal morphology of hybrids between both species and their identi?cation based on osteology.

Lieu étude: 
Martinique exclusif
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